Five common spices to use just about everyday! Read this to find out how to incorporate them and why they are beneficial. All of them can be found online or at most grocery stores. And don't sweat, they are not spicy and they are not intimidating!
Benefits of using ginger:
I'm going to guess that most of you have heard of Ginger and maybe even incorporate it into your life. Ginger is actually a root and native to the Southeastern Asia region (like India).

- How to use ginger: I buy ginger by the root and in powder form. I add a thumb of ginger (peeled) to my morning smoothie. I make tea by steeping a thumb of ginger (peeled) with hot water and lemon and sip in the morning, after lunch, or after dinner (or anytime I have a stomach ache). I also add the root or powder into soups, stir-fries, crockpot dishes, and curries.
- Why to use ginger: Ginger has been used for centuries in ancient medicine to aid in digestion, reduce nausea, help fight the flu and common cold. It's a powerful natural remedy!
Find Ginger packed into our Oat Ginger Raisin Cookie Mix.
Why you should have cacao in your diet:
It's actually a fruit! Well it comes from a delicious tree fruit, native to South America (Ecuador, Peru). Break open the hard shelled fruit, you'll find large seeds covered in a white flesh. This flesh is the edible fruit. It reminds me of the flesh from a lychee fruit. The seeds are harvested, dried and fermented, then opened to release the beans. These beans are ground into powder (cacao powder) or crushed into Cacao nibs.

- How to use cacao: I use cacao powder in place of cocoa because often cocoa has been alkalized through a dutch processing, which may reduce the nutrient benefits. I add cacao powder to smoothies, mix with hot nut mylk for a "hot chocolate", bake with it, or top smoothies and chia pudding with cacao nibs.
- Why to use cacao: It's a powerhouse. It's rich in calcium, iron, magnesium and antioxidants. It also addresses depression, stress, blood pressure and heart health. It's a mood booster!
Find Cacao packed into our Mint Chocolate Cookie Mix.
Benefits of eating cumin seeds:
Is this one new to you? I'm sure you've heard of cumin and may cook with it often. Cumin seeds are native to the Mediterranean region, Egypt, the Middle East, and India. It is a tiny dried fruit that comes from a plant belonging to the same family as parsley, dill, carrots, and caraway.

- How to use cumin seeds: I start every morning with cumin seeds to boost my digestion in the morning. I steep about a tablespoon of cumin seeds in hot water with lemon for about 5 minutes. You can also eat a spoonful raw! I also add cumin seeds to my salads, salad dressings, soups, stews, curries, and roasted vegetables.
- Why I use cumin seeds: Cumin seeds are known to boost immunity, promote healthy digestion, and fight inflammation. Cumin Seeds are often consumed in the Indian culture after a heavy meal (along with fennel).
How do I use fresh turmeric root?
Another common root that has grown in fame and popularity in the last decade. Originating from Southeastern Asia (India), this root has a number of use cases and benefits! Be careful, its vibrant yellow color is easy to stain.

- How to use turmeric: I add a thumb nail size of the fresh root to morning smoothies. I also add fresh turmeric or turmeric powder to cooking and in a golden latte with warm coconut milk, cinnamon, and black pepper. It's best to consume turmeric with coconut oil (or some sort of healthy fat) and black pepper to release the healing properties.
- Why to use turmeric: I'm sure you're familiar with its benefits, especially during the current Pandemic. It's known for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant benefits. It also addresses skin conditions, including acne, eczema, photo-aging, and psoriasis.
Find Turmeric packed into our Oat Ginger Raisin Cookie Mix.
Benefits of having cinnamon in my diet:
Last but not least, the delicious spice, Cinnamon. Cinnamon comes from the inner bark of many tree species. It's commonly grown in Sri Lanka (this is the Ceylon variation we use in our mix), India, and South America.
- How to use cinnamon: You likely already use it so let me offer some new ways to incorporate it into your diet. Sprinkle cinnamon over coffee to counteract the blood sugar swing coffee may induce. I often sprinkle cinnamon over fruit for the same reason. Add a cinnamon bark to your soups, stews, curries, and crockpot creations.
- Why to use cinnamon: As mentioned, it's known to stabilize (or lower) blood sugar. It's also been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat respiratory and digestive issues.
Find Cinnamon packed into our Oat Ginger Raisin Cookie Mix.